Monday 9 January 2012

Major Themes

Domestic Abuse
  • Pye family over three generations are a prime example of domestic abuse. Jackson Pye, one of the founding fathers- designs and builds his own house and a house for a future family. He has a terrible temper that drives his sons away until he is left with only two, in the end another son leaves, leaving Arthur Pye to suffer. Jackson eventually dies leaving the farm to Art, who also abuses his family throughout time. The third generation, Calvin Pye had a family who was connected to the Morrison children. Later in the novel Matt finds out that he made Marie Pye (daughter of Calvin) pregnant. She reveals that her father has killed her brother by accident and when Calvin Pye kills himself, Matt has to give up his plans for education and marry Marie.
  • The family was torn apart when the parents of the Morrison children got into a car accident. Leaving the kids with nothing but decisions and work, Matt and Luke had to take on the role of the parents to support Kate and Bo. The family's biggest fear was being split up, Kate hated the thought of not being able to see her idol Matt everyday. After all is decided, Aunt Annie figures out the plan for where the children will live, and they have to split up.
Kate and Matt's relationship has had a drastic downfall. They were so close when they were younger, Kate really looked up to Matt. She believed he was the brightest person out there. When he throws away his chance to get a university education, she despises the fact that he through it away to marry Marie Pye. This gives Kate the chance to further her education, as she moves away to go to university.This causes conflict between the two not only because Kate has avoided Crow Lake for years, but because she felt as if she had abandoned her family when they were having hard times. Their relationship was never the same, and so much time has passed it is almost as if the siblings that once used to be so close, are strangers.

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