Thursday 15 September 2011

Book Choice

The novel I chose to read is called Crow Lake, it is written by the novelist Mary Lawson. It was published by Vintage Canada, in 2003. The paperback edition of the book has 304 pages.

      I chose this book because when reading through the list, Crow Lake stood out to me the most.  Crow Lake seemed most interesting because it was set in a small farming community in Northern Ontario (keeping it close to home is what makes it). It is about a young, successful, academic, girl planning out her future, but is haunted by the events of her past. The death of her parents as a child is what caught my attention the most, and seeing how this will effect her life later down the road. I feel that books that are realistic and have a interesting, thriller like story line are the most addictive. The supernatural is always of interest, and I feel that this book will provide me with a lot of interest.

    I have not yet started reading the book as to i have been working and busy with family, this weekend I plan to finally start reading. Based on the critical comments that have been made by previous readers, I am about to fall inlove with this book. Mary Lawson is an excellent story teller, and I am really looking forward to getting into this book.

"A lot of readers are going to surrender themselves to the magic of Crow Lake."
The Globe and Mail
      As I have not started reading  this novel, I am unable to answer some of the questions. At the end of each week I plan on reading almost one hundred pages, in order to finish the book within three weeks. This novel has good reviews, and an interesting and capturing story line; I will have no problem getting into this book and finishing it !

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